Sunday to Friday  Kathmandu, Nepal  01-41234567

About Us


Nepal is situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, where the great Mountains like Mt. Everest, the highest mountain of the world lies. Our neighboring countries are China, India, Bhutan and Bangladesh. Nepal is the Land of the lord Buddha, where peace and tranquility is as natural as the ice in the Himalayas. The Nepalese people are well known for their bravery, loyalty, Peace keeping and well-disciplined and nature. Nepal is also rich in lush green vegetation, Thick rain forest flocks of tourists from all over the world. So never ever miss an opportunity to visit this beauty full Himalayan kingdom of the world fondly described as the Switzerland of Asia.

Size: 885-km (553 mile) long, 145-241 km (91-151 mile wide, 147,181-sq. km in area.

Position: 26-300 north latitude, 80-880 east longitude: on the India subcontinent bounded on the north By Tibet autonomous region of the people's Republic of china, & on the West, south and east by the republic of India.

Terrain: Hilly and mountains, 77% Terai lowlands. 23% more than above 3000m.

Latitude Ranga: from 70m above sea level (230ft) in the terai,- to 8848m )29,028ft) at sagarmatha (Mt. Everest), Kathmandu Valley: 853m (2,798).

Climate: Kathmandu- Summer 15-30 c, winter 0-16 c, terai- summer 21- 39 c, winter 9-30 C, Raifall Kathmandu) - OCT- May 300 mm june sept. 1100mm. Time: 15 minutes ached of Indian standard

Time, 5 hour 45 minutes ahead of gmt

Population: 2,75,00000 Approx. Language: Nepali is the national language, Devanagari the script. Altogether 26 languages are spoken.